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Hey guys how’s it going uh this is going to be a short video but this is something that um a buddy of mine taught me and super super super simple and super helpful so this is a coin stats i actually have this on my phone um it’s kind of cool you can track your portfolio on here so if you want to you can actually put in your wallet addresses and track them on there that’s what i use but the reason i’m making this video is to show you a simple little trick so we all know that you can get bitcoin

eth on pretty much any exchange you can go on coinbase crack in wherever you want but then sometimes there’s those low cap gems and you wonder where can i get that where is it um so what i’m going to do is show you just a simple trick so for example um i’m gonna do audience this is a cool um a cool new i’ll i say it’s a low cap gem i think it’s gonna really blow up so um i look here the the tokens actually audio so i’m going to click on that and you’re wondering where do i get this thing okay um so first of all it’s cool it says

it’s number 169 by market cap so market cap is basically the current price times the um available supply so that’s market cap um and and that’s really very important to know how much a coin can grow you know i’ve seen a lot of people say oh man this this coin is only you know one penny that means it can grow a lot well not if there’s a hundred zillion tokens so the market cap really shows you how much a coin can grow um i try to go for you know those uh tokens that are under like a hundred million

market cap those are the ones that have that 100x potential that no one’s heard of or maybe that are new um anyway that’s sort of a sidebar getting a little bit off track here it also shows you the website which is cool but let’s get on to the main point of this video we’ll show you where do i buy this thing so if i go to markets this shows you where you can buy it and it shows you you know the price on that exchange so this is binance you can see the pairs on finance now if you’re in the us be careful

because you need to say finance us for you to buy it this is binance this is not binance us um uniswap v2 this is if you’re in the us this is basically on the ethereum network this is your best spot um to try to get these low cap gems on uniswap in my opinion and i’m gonna make another video to show how to do that um but but my opinion is uniswab has if you’re in the us really the best is the best place to get these it’s it’s not a central exchange it’s a decks decentralize i’m gonna make another

Post about that but this is gonna show you where you can buy a gate now just be careful if you see where you know there’s no volume you know zero or something then maybe something’s going on so be careful that but generally speaking this is where i really like to go it’s super simple right you go here go to live prices you find your coin you go here to markets where do i find this bad boy um you could see the price this is just it’s simple but it can be a game changer so anyway hope that helps you out and like

i said this thing has lots of cool um you know lots of cool different things news overview um you know i actually subscribe to the premium on my phone so i can have some some extra little features and portfolio tracking and such but uh anyway hope you enjoyed and uh like subscribe all that good stuff have a good by

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